UK 01302 729 041 Overseas +44 1302 729 041

  • Company Name
  • Company Details
  • Appoint Officers
  • Additional Services
  • Summary & Payment

British Virgin Islands Company Name

We will check the availability of all the company names you provide.
If your first company name is not available, we will proceed with your second or third company name.

Your company name must include one of the following name endings: LIMITED,LTD,CORPORATION,CORP,INCORPORATED,INC,SOCITE ANONYME, S.A.

Please note that only characters from the UK keyboard can be accepted in your Company Details.

*  Please ensure that you have filled in all required fields.

Share Capital

The standard Share Capital is 50000 shares of 1.00 USD each.

Please note that additional charges may apply if you do not opt for the standard share capital.
This will be discussed with your accounts manager prior to incorporation.
Alternatively, please contact us before you place your order to discuss your requirements.

Company Details

*  Please ensure that you have filled in all required fields.

Registered Address

You are required to provide a registered office address.

Enter your registered office address below.

Please note that this address needs to be in the same country as the incorporation.



For BVI Incorporations you must appoint at least 1 Director(s) , 1 Shareholder(s)

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Beneficial Owner

Beneficial Owner Details


Additional Services

Description Price Vat Total Select
Original Certificate of Incorporation by Apostille (Notary not required). £221.78 £44.36 £266.14
BVI Offshore Apostilled Incorporation Documents £415.00 £83.00 £498.00
BVI Offshore Apostilled Certificate of Good Standing £479.00 £95.80 £574.80
BVI Offshore Certificate of Good Standing £365.00 £73.00 £438.00
BVI Offshore Certificate of Incumbency £215.00 £43.00 £258.00

Additional Information